Play Dark Orbit

duminică, 19 decembrie 2010

User Terms

By using/downloading UDOBot you Agree that:

1.) You do not work for BigPoint or Garena in any way.
2.) You agree to indemnify the maker of UDOBot from any proceedings or actions which may arise, legal or otherwise, as a result of your usage of UDOBot.
3.) The maker of UDOBot takes no responsibility for any acts or proceedings that may arise from your usage of this program.
4.) As UDOBot is provided FREE, you also undertake not to distribute it for any form of Profit or Gratification.
5.) This Agreement may change at any time without further notice.

Un comentariu:

  1. Ei salut te rog dâ-mi link-ul ca sa-l descarc.Iar am o problema cu antivirus-ul nu ma lasa sa deschid UdoBot-ul. ¿Ce trebuie sa fac?
